Sunday, June 22, 2008

Introducing...the Ingredients!

Well, all of the ingredients weren't here this day, but we hope to put another photo up soon--a real GROUP shot of the whole salad. TOMORROW is our last day of class!

Simone, looking suspicious

Tresy, Tiziana, and Simone, studying hard

Who ARE those people behind their papers? Why, it's Vanessa and Silvia, of course!

Desiré, taking a break from a group project with Emanuele

Emanuele, having FUN in English class!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Quiz Time!

Wanna take a quiz? We did...yesterday we took a quiz called "How Organised Are You?" and we discovered that we are a VERY organised group! (except for Silvia!) Then we wrote our OWN quiz! So get your pen and paper out...and let's see how you do:


1. You see that someone has left a bag unattended at the airport.

a) You immediately think it is a bomb and you call the police as soon as possible!

b) You drop the bag off at a security checkpoint just in case it is dangerous.

c) You don't do anything because you really aren't worried.

2. You see a message from a girl on your boyfriend's cell phone.

a) You immediately assume he's cheating on you. You hire an assassin to kill him.

b) You think that she is a friend of his, and you interrogate him to find out who she is, where she lives, etc.

c) She has probably just dialed the wrong number. It doesn't matter.

3. A man has been walking behind you on the street for one hour.

a) You think he's following you because he's a KGB agent, and he wants to get rid of you.

b) You think he's a little bit crazy, and that he has forgotten where he lives, so he's following you without a reason.

c) He's simply a walker. That's all.

4. You are travelling in a foreign country, and some of the locals offer you a day tour of the area for a reasonable price.

a) You ignore the guides and immediately go to the police to report them, because you assume that they are working illegally.

b) You say, "I'll consider it," but you most likely will not. You don't really trust tour guides because you think that they are probably trying to rip you off.

c) You enthusiastically agree, and you even offer to pay them in advance! Perhaps that way they will organise a very exciting day trip for you!

5. You are playing cards with a group of friends, and one of your friends keeps winning.

a) You think he is cheating! You immediately start to argue with him!

b)He/she saw your cards and therefore keeps winning.

c) He's just very lucky, you think.

6.Your spouse has recently started to travel a lot for work. You think:

a)He/she has a lover and you investigate.

b)He/she doesn't want to stay at home with you during the weekend.

c)He/she wants to earn a lot of money to organise a holiday with you!

Click here to see the results!!

What would you do...

On Monday, we talked about unlikely situations, and what we would do in these situations. Each student wrote down an unlikely question, and then we put all of the questions together into a pile. We picked a question from the pile to answer, so here are some of our responses!

1. "Where would you live if you received a police reward?" -Simone

"If I received a police reward, I would live in Texas because I love horses, cowboys, and living alone with my family on a ranch. It's one of my dreams, so for me it would be very nice to receive a police reward, because with it, I could buy my ranch and the horses for all of my family (but not for my boyfriend because he's afraid of horses)." - Tresy

2. "If you could plan your dream for tonight, what would it be?" -Jackie

"If I could plan my dream for tonight, I would stay on the moon, very far from the earth. I would be weightless and I would swim in the air. The light of the moon would be pale, and it would cradle me into another dream." - Silvia

3. If you spoke English, what would you do? - Emanuele

"If I spoke English, I would want to travel around the world and meet a lot of people of different races, find a new job on a different continent, and start a second life with dreams, lovers, projects, items, and new problems." - Simone

Have you got your own answers to these very interesting questions? Write them in our comments section!!

- the ingredients

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Welcome, Salad Lovers!

Welcome to our blog! We would like to share our ideas with you to improve our English. Please speak with us, tell us your interesting thoughts and chat with us! We are a very fun and smiley group of English students, and we can fill your dark days with light!

Please, if you don't find us online, leave us a comment!

-the ingredients